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Triskyrian Dictionary
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Much to Star Fleet's dismay, the Triskyrian language cannot be translated with the universal translator. These are the few words and phrases that Star Fleet has managed to obtain in the twelve years Khanada has been in service (and some of these definitions may be questionable).

* Ask fate - To court a disaster by naming it beforehand, especially in jest.
* Blade - Knife
* Bladesman - A member of the Brotherhood assigned as a guard or enforcer
* Blood edict - A decree, order or command made with the understanding that the penalty for defying it will be death.
* Body decker - A person prone to wearing a lot of jewelry
* Brother - Any male Outsider
* Brotherhood - The Outsider military squadron
* Button man - A person in position of command or authority
* Call (a person) friend and brother/sister - An oath by which the person named is granted the loyalty and protection usually reserved to actual blood relations.
* Cast a shadow - Threaten
* Catch - Arrest
* Charm snagger - A swindler who employs appealing personal attributes to dupe his/her victims
* Clan - An organizational unit within the Brotherhood
* Cleave - Loyal; faithful
* Conpol - Continental Police: The Outsider's military force (Military)
* Cross lines -  To infringe on another's privacy or pry into matters that are considered personal or secret
* Divvies - A shared advantage or profit
* Dodder - A person of limited intelligence
* Doddle - Nonsense; foolishness
* Door - A means of escape
* Deuce - Twenty
* Double deuce - Two hundred
* Dovey - Easy; pleasant
* Downside - Below, under or beneath
* Ear man - A spy
* Echo delta - Crazy; insane
* Eye over - A close scrutiny
* Face off - A confrontation
* Fortune - To wish another's good fortune. Serves as a greeting or farewell.
* Fringer - An Outsider who has left, regardless of the reason or circumstance.
* Gaff - To cheat or swindle
* Gim - A fradulant or illegal act for the purpose of personal gain
* Glim - Inkling; hint
* Hackle - To bother; disturb. Also used as "to be hackled".
* Headprice - Bounty
* Insiders - Enemies of the Outsiders. The other island on the planet Triskyr.
* Itchy nose - Having suspicion aroused or to be anxious about someone or something.
* Keep (one's) blade sheathed - To show restraint; offer no threat
* Kinly - A feeling of closeness to another; a friendly attitude
* Lastfall - Defeat and/or death
* Lay - Wager
* Lift Cruiser - A starship
* Lifter - Any flight vehicle (shuttlecraft or similiar vessel)
* Line in - To provide information; to make someone privy to a situation.
* Nightspin - Nightmare
* Nob - To fraternize with; be friendly; converse or socialize
* Noddy - An informer
* Nuch - A term of insult
* Old Ser - Father
* On the short end - At a disadvantage; deprived
* Passkey - The price extracted for providing a door
* Pin - To kill, usually purposely; murder
* Pole(r) - A Conpol officer or agent (soldier)
* Price in blood - Retribution by death
* Pull looks - To attract attention
* Pull down - To defeat and/or kill
* Quiv - A coward
* Red panic - A state of extreme anxiety; major alarm call (Red Alert)
* Run the gant - To accept a challange; attempt a difficult course of action.
* Run short - To be deterred or frustrated in one's desires or goals.
* Scan - Understand. Also used as "Scan straight" (understand clearly)
* Screened area - A private or secret part of a person's life
* Seal - To incarcerate (Brig)
* Shad - An officer or agent of the SSB (cop)
* Shivvy - Dangerous; frightening
* Show tooth - To object (take exception) to something in a violent manner
* Skimp - Lacking; in short supply
* Smell out - To discover; find
* Soddy - Dull; old fashioned
* Soul link(ed) - Marriage or equivalent bond
* Spin - A story or tale, usually exaggerated.
* Spook - To escape; run away
* SSB - Special Security Bureau - Outsider's internal law enforcement (Police)
* Stat - Status; situation
* Stimutheater - Insider entertainment; drug enhanced (holodeck)
* Sweet - An attractive female, especially one with a sense of innocence.
* Ten carat brass - A term of insult; a sham, false or faked 
* Tice - Attractive; enticing
* Took - A person who is easily deceived
* Turn a'cord - To make a difference; change or affect the outcome.
* Unmothered - A term of insult
* Uppercaste - Elite
* Upside - Above, over or upper
* Weave - Clothing 

Bazo - Weapon
Bazoles - Longbow
Ben'no da'sanno ton cha - Apology
Bessa - Better
Co'meh de - Eat
Creseo - Cruiser
Di - Is
Liis - Lift
Pa'kadon - Profane word